Preventative Care

Preventative Care
Photo by Alvan Nee

Preventative care (cuidado preventivo) is very important for preventing diseases! The risk of many types of diseases and hardships can be prevented with a few simple steps.

Our videos go over:

  1. Basics of preventative care
  2. Vaccines
  3. Deworming and fecal exams
  4. Microchip
  5. Flea prevention

Introduction to Preventative Care

This video discusses: 1) Preventive care is recommended over treatment 2) It can improve your pet's quality of life 3) Routine care like microchip, deworming, vaccines, fecal exams, heartworm, flea control are recommended


This video discusses: 1) My dogs are always at home, why do I need to get vaccines? 2) Pets get the infectious disease through the environment or other pet. 3) Vaccines- best preventive method 4) Not only other dogs but bats can bring rabies to your pet through bites 5) Vaccine reactions, what to look out for and what to do if it happens

Deworming and Fecal Exams

This video discusses: 1) Internal Parasites (tenias) on your dog/cats which can get humans sick! 2) Can cause weight loss, stomach ache, diarrhea,... 3) Is controlled by deworming and early detection tools like fecal exam 4) Deworming and fecal exams work together to keep you and your pet healthy


This video discusses: 1) Basics of microchipping your pet (what it entails) 2) Microchip advantages over other ID options 3) Long-term benefits of the microchip

Flea Prevention

This video discusses: 1) Pet health risks due to fleas (and they can hide in your shoes!) 2) Fleas can be carriers of parasites and bacteria 3) Fleas are present ALL year long, regular preventative medication recommended