
Photo by Leonid Privalov / Unsplash

Oral care and dental cleanings (cepillado dental) are very important for pet health in dogs and cats!

Our videos go over:

  1. The importance of dental cleaning
  2. Anesthesia for dental cleanings
  3. Signs your pet needs a dental cleaning
  4. Importance of dental radiographs
  5. Tooth brushing

The Importance of Dental Cleaning

This introduction video discusses: 1) Dental Cleaning for your pet 2) Like people, dogs or cats, get dental disease (pain, loose teeth, organ failure,...) 3) A complete Oral Exam 4) Professional Dental Cleaning 5) Anesthesia and its benefits

Anesthesia for Dental Cleanings

In this video we discuss: 1) Anesthesia for Dental Cleaning in Pets 2) To avoid stress on your pet (and for their safety), we use general anesthesia. 3) Physical exam and blood test or chest radiographs may likely be required 4) Careful monitoring your pet 5) Follow-up, possible anesthesia side-effects post-operative

Signs Your Pet Needs a Dental Cleaning

This video discusses: 1) Signs that your dog/cat needs a dental cleaning: Bad breath, reddish gums, profuse salivation, or changes in behavior are some of the signs that your pet may have a dental disease. 2) If not treated right away, it may lead to a painful infection. 3) Preventive Dental Care is the best policy.

Importance of Dental Radiographs

This video discusses: 1) Why does my pet needs dental radiographs? 2) Pets can have pain on their teeth and cause major problems 3) Radiographs are an important diagnostic tool before and after treatment improving your pet's health

Tooth Brushing

This video discusses: 1) Brushing your pet's teeth (dog or cat) AVOID gums disease, discomfort and tooth decay 2) Daily brush and dental products like oral rinse products can help your pet have a healthy mouth (but dental cleanings still recommended)