Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and Neutering
Photo by Judi Neumeyer

Spaying and neutering (esterilización y castración) is very important for preventing diseases and helping pets live their best life!

Our videos go over:

  1. Basics of spaying and neutering
  2. Anesthesia risks and information
  3. Behavioral benefits of spaying and neutering
  4. When to spay/neuter
  5. How spaying reduces the risk of cancer

Basics of spaying and neutering

This introduction video discusses: what is spaying/neutering, how it reduces risk of overpopulation, why this procedure usually saves money in the long run


Anesthesia can be scary, but we help clarify things in this video along including: 1) benefits of pre-operative bloodwork, and when indicated, chest x-rays and ECG-surgical precautions 2) benefits of local analgesia 3) basic post-operative care and why an e-collar is important! 4)post-operative monitoring to watch out for: discharge, blood, vomiting, diarrhea (call your veterinarian if you are concerned!)

Behavioral Benefits

Behavioral benefits of spaying/neutering pets: 1) Males (neuter reduce aggressive behaviors, territorial marking, ...) 2) Females (eliminate heat cycles, heat-related behaviors ...) 3) These procedures do not take away all behavior problems, but can help reduce behaviors like marking and aggression.

When to Spay or Neuter?

When to spay or neuter? 1) Female Dogs (before her 1st reproductive cycle is recommended) 2) Reduces cancer risks and uterine infections 3) Males (around 6 months, but this can vary speak with your veterinarian)

Reduces Risk of Cancer and Infection

Benefits of spaying/neutering your pet: 1) Female (prevention of uterine infection like piometra) 2) Male (eliminate the risk of testicular cancer)